Monday, March 14, 2005

Meet the Fockers@Plaza

Watched the movie saturday night. Usually watch movies in Plaza in the upper stall but this time around my friend decided that we will watch it from the balcony. Well when I walked into the balcony I realised that I have gone into a time machine of sorts. The seats were divided into different compartments each in the shape of a box. We being we bought tickets early so we were in one of the higher up ones. As usual I did not find enough leg room throughout the movie. Also if I leaned back and tried to relax and still watch the movie the bottom part of the screen disappeared which meant that for most of the time I was leaning a whole new dimension to edge of the seat doesent it !!! By the second half I could not decide which was funnier me keeping pop corn and trying to have a pepsi at the same time with the chair vibrating with every movement that I made or the movie itself...

Anyways the movie was quite good though not as good as meet the parents...essentially this movie is about Ben Stiller taking Robert De Niro and his finacee and mother in law to meet his parents. Who in turn are Dustin Hoffman and Barbara Streissand who seem to be still living in the age of the hippies...lots of funny situations involving hoffman trying to break open the WC of DeNiro's trailer coz the latters cat flushed the formers dog, the dog I am sure was an IIT-ian in its previous life coz its only purpose in life seems to be fornication....we come to know that stillers mom and dad like to have a lot of cream when they are together and not just for eating :), and in the midst of it all is a child whom stiller is supposed to look after and who ends up holding a bottle of rum in his hand and uttering his first words which turn out to be ass and a pause and then hoooole and finally the fact that ben stillers fiance is pregnant

These are a few of the funny situations but there are numerous the only problem being that they seem to be too contrived and fantastic and after some time it becomes a pain to watch ben stillers parents....

But on a whole a movie worth watching at least once, I would descirbe it as an edge of the seat movie for more than one reason.

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